How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Change Your Life?

The prettiest thing you ever wear is a smile. Smiling helps to relieve stress, elevates the mood, boosts the immune system, and helps you live longer. Smiling is contagious, so it also makes others around you smile. But what about the people who lack the confidence to smile in public? They feel embarrassed due to either stained, misaligned, crooked, cracked, or missing teeth. Here’s when cosmetic dentistry comes as a rescuer for those who suffer dental issues in silence.

Cosmetic dentistry is more than just ‘cosmetic.’ It’s about your overall dental health and its effect on your self-esteem. Do not let the tiny imperfections and flaws hide your smile. If you are searching for an affordable cosmetic dentist in San Antonio, Ziva Dental is the right place to get life-changing results.

Yes, cosmetic dentistry can change your life. Let’s explore how.

You Smile More

Smiling has a significant impact on life. People who smile often tend to be more energetic, happier, and healthier. Flashing a smile at a stranger helps us connect with them. Therefore, gone are the days when dental flaws were the reason to hide your smile. With a smile makeover through cosmetic dentistry, you can not just smile but laugh your heart out and live a better life.

Boosts Confident

A lack of self-confidence can significantly impact all aspects of your life. Do not let the misaligned teeth mess up your confidence or ignite insecurities. A cosmetic dentist in San Antonio provides dental restorative options with excellent services that’ll improve aesthetics, boosting your self-esteem and confidence.

Can Eat Your Favourite Food

Not able to enjoy your favourite food because your teeth can’t chew what your taste buds can’t eschew? Therefore, cosmetic dentistry is the solution, as cosmetic procedures help restore the teeth’s functions so that you can eat your favourite food again without any pain.

Improved Oral Health

Cosmetic dental treatment improves your overall health beyond just improving your visual aesthetics. Undergoing cosmetic dental procedures makes you pay more attention to maintaining your dental hygiene. It eliminates pain, tooth decay, and further damage, which in turn keeps the dental functionality intact.

Exposing teeth increases the smile’s energy and dynamism. Break into your social life like never before with cosmetic dentistry. Regain your precious smile in a brief period of time with Ziva Dental. Find the optimum oral health address at the cosmetic dental office on Culebra RD.

5 Signs You May Need to Replace the Dentures

Proper fitting is one of the most significant parameters for denture wearers. Also, poor fitting is a very prominent and frequent complaint of those wearing dentures. While fitting won’t be much of an issue when you get the best dentures in San Antonio from Ziva Dental, the problem remains when you get the dentures from a not so trusted local dental clinic.

In this blog, we’ve highlighted five signs suggesting you need to replace dentures. Let’s get to it without any further ado.

Dentures Slip Off Easily

Dentures slipping off easily is the most apparent sign of ill-fitting dentures. When you find that your dentures slip out when you eat, laugh, talk or sneeze, it’s a sign they are poorly fitted. They may either need re-alignment or probably an entirely new denture. So if you find your dentures slipping off, consider consulting your dentist. You may only need some re-alignment and won’t necessarily need to replace the entire pair. However, it’s a wake-up call to consult your dentist as soon as possible. 

Sores in Dentures

Another prominent sign you need to replace dentures is if you notice denture sores. Sores occur when dentures move in your mouth as they rub against the gums, causing irritation and sores in your mouth. Denture sores are a red flag saying they no longer fit properly, and it may be time to consider better-fitting dentures. You may notice this sign right after you get your dentures fitted or after some time.

Trouble Eating

While getting dentures won’t let you eat all the food items you could otherwise eat with natural teeth, properly fitted dentures still let you eat most of them. However, ill-fitted dentures make it very difficult to eat properly. This issue occurs right after you get your new pair of dentures if they don’t fit perfectly. To not let this happen, ensure to check the pair of dentures in the dental office before going home so that if they don’t fit well, you can request for a new one right away.

Dentures Have Food Residues

It is quite normal for your dentures to have some amount of residue on the outside. However, if you notice more and more residues built up in your dentures, it’s a sign they might no longer fit you well. They should also create a good seal that stops material from building up and getting inside the denture.

Final Words

Hopefully, the blog helped you understand the signs that suggest you may need to replace the dentures. If you’re looking for quality dentures in San Antonio, contact Ziva Dental. They have a team of expert doctors willing to help you through getting the right diagnosis to the right treatment. Feel free to reach out to the clinic in case you spot any or all of the signs mentioned in the blog.

5 Signs You Should Visit A Periodontist

Dentistry is a broad field. There are numerous dental problems and treatment options for specific issues. While you may choose to undergo gum disease treatment in San Antonio, in the Ziva Dental, you still need to know symptoms that suggest you visit a dentist. Similarly, several signs indicate you should visit a Periodontist.

In this blog, we’ve listed five such signs. Let’s get to them right away.

Bad Breath

You may consider chronic bad breath common and not necessarily a warning sign of disease. However, if you have chronic bad breath that doesn’t go away with good oral hygiene, it’s a sign of periodontal infection. So if you spot this issue in you or your loved one, contact a clinic like Ziva Dental to stop the problem from getting bigger.

Cold Or Sensitive Teeth

Tooth sensitivity may seem like a very common symptom. However, advanced gum diseases can cause an increase in tooth sensitivity because of a receding gum line and exposed roots. Temperature sensitivity in teeth can even be caused by eroding enamel which is a potentially serious problem.

Loose Teeth

Once you lose your baby teeth, the rest of your teeth, in the majority of cases, lasts forever. Periodontitis deepens pockets surrounding the teeth, which makes them loose. You can even notice shifting in teeth over time. So if you notice your teeth getting loose over time, it’s time to seek a periodontist.

Gum Starts To Recede

If your teeth look longer, it could be because your gums are receding. Gum recession is a primary symptom of advanced periodontal disease and can have detrimental side effects. In fact, loss of gum tissue surrounding the teeth can also lead to exposed roots or even result in tooth loss.

Swollen, Red, Or Tender Gums

The same bacteria that causes periodontitis or gingivitis also causes inflammation. If left untreated, these inflamed gums can create deep pockets surrounding your teeth. Deep periodontal pockets can increase the risk of tooth loss, so swollen gums should never be ignored.


Hopefully, you understood the signs that suggest you should visit a Periodontist. If you have spotted one or a few of these symptoms, contact Ziva Dental. It is a clinic with some of the best periodontists in San Antonio who will help you identify the problem and the appropriate treatment option. So if you have already spotted a sign, look no further. Contact them right away!

Top 4 Benefits of Dental Implants

If you have to replace teeth that are missing or damaged, dental implants are the most preferred. Dental implants are one of the most reliable options when it comes to replacing teeth that are missing or damaged.

It has several benefits that other replacement options like dentures or bridges do not offer. You can get dental implants in San Antonio TX. Our clinic is one of the top preferred clinics as we offer many dental services at affordable rates.

If you are unsure about getting dental implants, read on. This blog covers four benefits of dental implants that you should know of.

Prevents Bone Loss

Along with losing teeth, you also lose some bone mass in your jaw. Your jawbone needs the stimulation it gets when your teeth connect to maintain its mass. The primary benefit of dental implants is that they are the only tooth replacement option that also replaces jaw bone stimulation, further helping to prevent bone loss.

Restores Bite Force

This is another great benefit of dental implants. Since they are anchored into your jaw along with a titanium post that replaces the tooth, they let you bite with a similar amount of force you could use with your natural teeth. Other replacement options do not restore even nearly as much of your bite force as they aren’t anchored in place and sit on top of the gums.

Does not Change the Shape of your Face

Your teeth help support your facial structure. So when you lose teeth, you also lose that support which causes your face to change its shape and makes you look older. Dental implants offer similar support for your face as your natural teeth, which prevent your face from changing its shape.

Enables Natural Speech

Some tooth replacement options including dentures have the potential to impact your ability to pronounce certain words correctly. In fact, missing teeth can even alter your speech. However, this is not the case in dental implants. They function similarly to natural teeth, lowering the chances of speech alteration or general discomfort while speaking.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, the blog helped you understand the benefits of dental implants. So if you have been planning to get your teeth implanted, consider reaching out to a dentist in San Antonio TX, from a well-known clinic like ours. We would love to help you fish out the best tooth replacement option for you that also meets your budget requirements.

Reasons Why Root Canal Treatment is Better Than Tooth Extraction

Root canal treatment is preferred by all those who want to restore the health of their regular teeth without getting them removed/extracted. Also, root canal treatment is a fairly straightforward process. Just the infected pulp surrounding the tooth is removed. The tooth is then cleaned and sealed to prevent future infections and problems. Get in touch with a root canal specialist in San Antonio if you want to restore the health of your infected tooth (or teeth) without getting it removed.

The good thing about going for a root canal treatment procedure is: that you won’t have to get your infected natural teeth removed if you are going for a procedure involving root canal treatment. All those who have opted for this procedure in the past would be aware of the fact that root canal treatment is a much better option than a tooth extraction.

Here is why root canal treatment is better than tooth extraction:

  • First and foremost, the tooth extraction procedure is bound to cause a great deal of discomfort. Thankfully, there are no future complications if a root canal procedure is carried out in place of a procedure involving tooth extraction.
  • Interestingly, you will not be required to get your tooth extracted if you choose to go for a procedure involving a root canal.
  • The infected pulp around your infected tooth (or teeth) will be removed. Post that, the tooth will be cleaned. This means you will be able to keep your natural teeth intact. If you are planning to go for a tooth extraction procedure, then please note that your infected tooth will be completely removed. This procedure is carried out only when there is no other option at hand.
  • The best part about the root canal procedure is: that it is carried out with the intention to preserve the infected tooth.
  • The endodontists in San Antonio will administer a local anesthetic before getting on with the procedure. In this way, you won’t be able to feel any pain or discomfort (or pain) whilst the procedure is being carried out by your dental health expert.
  • The extent of discomfort associated with a regular tooth extraction procedure is immense. Plus, you have to undertake extensive after-care measures after you’ve chosen to go for an elaborate tooth extraction procedure. Take this for an example: those who have just gotten their tooth extracted will have to stay away from crunchy foodstuffs, such as nuts, hard candies, crispy chips, etc. These food items and snacks can injure your damaged teeth.
  • Root canal, on the other hand, is a one-time procedure that does not cause pain or discomfort in the long run. Take a bunch of light and healthy food items, such as eggs, porridge, goulash, etc. The area that has been operated upon will heal on its own after a few days’ time.

Approach a dental clinic in San Antonio if you want to take good care of your oral health. A procedure involving root canal treatment is preferred because of its high success rate. Go for it now if you want to preserve your teeth in the long run.

4 Useful Care Tips For Metal Braces

People who suffer from dental misalignments opt for dental braces. All those who have a bunch of misaligned teeth inside their mouth would be able to speak at length about the relevance (and usefulness) of dental braces. More often than not, dental braces are made of metal. Well, the dental braces made using metal are built to last. All those who are facing malocclusion (dental misalignments) for a considerable amount of time should contact the best orthodontist in San Antonio in order to get a set of dental braces fixed.

However, it is not enough to get a set of dental braces fixed inside your mouth. You will also have to care for your dental braces if you want them to go the distance. A strong set of metal braces would last 1-3 years. All those who have a bunch of braces inside their mouth would be well aware of the fact that dental braces of any kind will take 1-2 years to showcase desired results.

Also, here is how you can take care of your dental braces (made of metal):

Use a Soft Toothbrush

A softer toothbrush will be able to clean your teeth gently. Vigorous brushing can lead to the displacement of your dental braces. Plus, the wires of the brace might also get damaged in the process. Run the brush gently over your braces. Remember to remove all the debris of food that are stuck in and around the braces. Make sure you do not end up dislocating or dislodging your dental braces whilst brushing.

Floss at Least Once a Day

Flossing is done in order to remove plaque and bacteria. Sticky bacteria can be removed with ease if you use dental floss on an everyday basis. Plaque, on the other hand, gives rise to gum problems by causing gum irritation. Using floss to clean your teeth is definitely a great idea if you want to keep your teeth and gums intact in the long run. You might as well want to go for cosmetic dentistry in San Antonio, TX if your teeth have started rotting/decaying because of inadequate oral hygiene.

Eat Cautiously

Avoid eating crunchy foods, such as nuts and wafers because these are likely to cause damage to the brace’s wires. Plus, sticky candies are a strict no if you have a set of dental braces fixed inside your mouth because the debris of these candies will get stuck in and around the braces. Add eggs, porridge, soft fruits, etc. to your diet because these food items are soft and nutritious.

Using an Oral Irrigator is a Great Idea

It goes without saying that brushing cannot remove all the plaque and bacteria. So, it is a good idea to use an oral irrigator to cleanse your braces (and teeth). The irrigator’s wand will emit water. The pressure of the stream can be set as per the user’s requirements. Use the oral irrigator daily in order to keep your dental braces clean and tidy. Also, approach only the best orthodontist in San Antonio to get the dental braces fixed.

You can get dental braces in San Antonio fixed if you are suffering from long-standing problems pertaining to malocclusion (dental misalignments). Fortunately, San Antonio (in Texas) is home to some of the best oral health experts and orthodontists. Contact them right away if you wish to take good care of your oral health.

Why Do Children Fear Dental Visits?

Everybody fears the dentist. However, children tend to fear the dentist more than everybody and anybody else. Well, children with tender and/or sensitive teeth are expected to fear the dentist. That is because a dentist’s equipment doesn’t look visually appealing (as one would expect). For this reason, children are taken to a specialized dentist (pediatric dentist) qualified to look into the various dental issues in children and toddlers. Also, children’s dentistry in San Antonio is among the world’s best.

In all fairness, most dental procedures are not painful. However, it is the fear of the unknown that ends up giving rise to a bunch of butterflies in a child’s stomach. Fortunately, the equipment used by a pediatric dentist in San Antonio is smaller in size. This is because a child’s mouth is considerably smaller than the mouth of a fully-grown adult.

Why Do Children Fear from Dentist?

Also, here is why children’s dentistry is painful:

Children Need to be Handled with Care

Most children need to be handled with care while going out with their parents to see a pediatric dentist. Now, a child is bound to feel unconfident and nervous, especially if he is seeing an oral health expert for the first time. Therefore, it goes without saying that you will have to calm your children down before they head out to see the dentist. Also, please let your children know that a visit to the dentist is for their own advantage.

Children Can be Emotionally Unstable (at Times)

A set of unseen oral equipment can freak your child out. Smaller pieces of equipment are fine, but the bigger and bulkier pieces of equipment are bound to make a child nervous. A pediatric dentist is expected to design his clinic largely ‘informal.’ Toys and swings are expected to ornament a dental health clinic where children are regular visitors. This is done in order to add an element of fun and frolic into the mix. Approach a pediatric dentist in San Antonio immediately if you want your children to lead a perfectly normal and healthy life.

Dentists are no Less Than Villains (According to Children)

Yes, a person practicing children’s dentistry in San Antonio is well aware of this fact he/she is considered a villain by many. Well, that is because a dentist is expected to cause a lot of pain during a dental procedure. However, most dental treatments are painless because they are all conducted after administering a local anesthetic. So, you can say that there is nothing for your children to fear if you plan to take them for a routine check-up.

A pediatric dentist in San Antonio will be able to help you out with a lot of things. A pediatric dentist can treat almost all dental disorders in children. Approach one such dentist in Texas if your child suffers from a set of long-standing and painful dental diseases.

Ways Cavities Could Impact Your Child’s Oral Health

Poor dental hygiene in children may not seem like a big problem, but a bad oral hygiene routine can lead to cavities which could progress into more intense dental issues. Children often have this habit of hogging on candies and sugary foods, and so cavities are quite a common problem in children. But according to the dentist in San Antonio, TX, not paying attention to it and leaving it untreated for a longer time could cause bigger problems and could impact your child’s oral health in surprising ways.

Child’s Oral Health

1. Cavities are a form of decay that cannot be reversed

Cavities occur due to bacteria on the teeth surface resulting from poor oral hygiene. These dangerous bacteria tend to form acid out of the sugar, which harms the enamel layer of your teeth, causing tiny holes on the surface of your child’s teeth. Once the teeth are decayed, there is no way to reverse the condition. However, proper oral care and necessary dental treatments could prevent the further spread of decay.

2. Change of tooth color

It is no brainer that cavities will change the color of your teeth as the decay progresses to further stages. These decay spots could cause increased plaque accumulation on your teeth and loss of calcium, leading to the deterioration of enamel coating. As the decay progresses, it could change the color of your teeth into a brownish or an eerie black shade, making the damage to your teeth noticeable.

3. You may not notice cavity until it’s too late to reverse it

Patients often notice the development of the cavity only when the tooth changes its color, which makes the condition noticeable and too late to reverse. That is why it is essential to visit a dentist regularly for a thorough oral examination. Your dentist will be able to recognize the signs of decay and hence could control the situation on time.

4. Leaving the cavity untreated could cause intense damage

Many parents ignore the signs of cavities in their children, considering it a common issue. But if left untreated for a long time, the black spots of decay could turn into holes, leading to further tooth infections. If an abscess develops on your child’s tooth and is ignored, your child will likely face severe consequences like tooth extraction.

Losing a tooth at an early age could affect their speech, eating abilities, facial appearance, and self-esteem. It could also cause an accumulation of bacteria under the gum line, which could even cause gum problems. According to the pediatric dentist in San Antonio, it is always better to control the condition on time and prevent your child from the risk of developing chronic oral health conditions.

Catching it Early: Top 4 Signs You Need to Warm up for Braces

To be very frank, braces are of immense significance if your child is suffering from misaligned teeth (malocclusion). However, early detection of the issue also has a significant role to play in the efficient treatment of malocclusion/misaligned teeth. The problem is: that not many people are aware of the fact that their child needs braces. In all fairness, opting for a set of dental braces in San Antonio is the best way to keep the perils of malocclusion at bay.

Moreover, children need to open up to their parents if they are experiencing discomfort due to misaligned teeth. Talk to your parents without fear because tooth-oriented misalignments have the power to cause long-standing dental problems. Chewing your favorite foodstuffs becomes a massive issue if misaligned teeth are left untreated.

Dental Braces

Here are several early signs that you might need braces:

Recurrent Pain in Jaws

When your teeth get dislocated/misaligned, they are likely to cause a considerable amount of pain in and around the jaws. This happens to be one of the earliest signs of malocclusion. Well, if your child happens to be experiencing pain in his/her jaws, then approach an orthodontist in San Antonio to get everything fixed. Braces might not look visually appealing, but they do go a long way in getting misalignments corrected.

For Problems Pertaining to Speech

Tooth-oriented misalignments do make it difficult for people to speak normally. If slurring words make your child’s life difficult and unpleasant, then the time is ripe for you to get in touch with a dentist. A set of misaligned teeth makes it difficult for anybody to speak correctly because there happens to be an acute lack of space/room in a person’s mouth when they suffer from teeth-oriented misalignments.

When Teeth Spacing Makes Things Difficult for You

Sometimes, the size of your teeth does not match the size of your jaw. Consequently, the teeth get placed far apart. It will be no hyperbole to state that misaligned teeth can lead to a severe decline in self-confidence. Moreover, getting a reliable set of dental braces in San Antonio is a proven way of making things right.

When Teeth are Crooked

A set of overlapping teeth is one of the earliest signs of malocclusion. Getting a group of dental braces fixed is a tried and tested way of keeping crooked teeth at bay. If your child faces crooked teeth, then waste no time and approach a dental health expert immediately. That is because crooked teeth can cause long-term issues, such as difficulties in brushing your teeth.

Dental braces offer long-term solutions to all those suffering from misaligned teeth. Approach an orthodontist in San Antonio to swat aside the pain and discomfort that malocclusion tends to bring along. Dental health experts in San Antonio are among the best in the world. They’ll be able to offer you a long-standing solution to put all of your dental issues to rest.

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